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Publications2023SG Cone, H Kim, DG Thelen, JR Franz (2023) 3D characterization of the triple‐bundle Achilles tendon from in vivo high‐field MRI., J Orthop Res. 2023; 41: 2315-2321.[Abstract] JL Blank, DG Thelen (2023) Adjacent tissues modulate shear wave propagation in axially loaded tendons., Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 106138.[Abstract] Peter Gabriel Adamczyk, Sara E Harper, Alex J Reiter, Rebecca A Roembke, Yisen Wang, Kieran M Nichols, Darryl G Thelen (2023) Wearable sensing for understanding and influencing human movement in ecological contexts., Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering, 100492.[Abstract] JA Martin, DG Thelen (2023) A trained neural network model accurately predicts Achilles tendon stress during walking and running based on shear wave propagation., Journal of Biomechanics, 111699.[Abstract] MB Blomquist, JL Blank, DG Schmitz, DG Thelen, JD Roth (2023) Shear wave tensiometry tracks reductions in collateral ligament tension due to incremental releases., Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 41 (3), 524-533.[Abstract] A Ebrahimi, JA Martin, MH Schwartz, TF Novacheck, DG Thelen (2023) Redistribution of muscle-tendon work in children with cerebral palsy who walk in crouch., European radiology, 33(1), 720-729.[Abstract] SK Crawford, D Thelen, JM Yakey, BC Heiderscheit, JJ Wilson, KS Lee (2023) Regional shear wave elastography of Achilles tendinopathy in symptomatic versus contralateral Achilles tendons., European radiology, 33(1), 720-729.[Article] 2022Schmitz DG, Nuckols RW, Lees S, Akbas T, Swaminathan K, Walsh CJ, Thelen DG, Roth JD (2022) Modulation of Achilles tendon force with load carriage and exosuit assistance., Science Robotics, 7(71).[Article] Blomquist MB, Blank JL, Schmitz DG, Thelen DG, Roth JD (2022) Shear wave tensiometry tracks reductions in collateral ligament tension due to incremental releases, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 22(4).[Article] Ebrahimi AE, Schwartz MH, Martin JA, Novacheck TF, Thelen DG Atypical Triceps Surae Force and Work Patterns Underlying Gait in Children With Cerebral Palsy, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 22(4).[Article] Schmitz DG, Thelen DG, Cone SG (2022) A Kalman Filter Approach for Estimating Tendon Wave Speed from Skin-Mounted Accelerometers, Sensors, 22(6).[Article] Harper SE, Schmitz DG, Adamczyk PG, Thelen DG (2022) Fusion of Wearable Kinetic and Kinematic Sensors to Estimate Triceps Surae Work during Outdoor Locomotion on Slopes, Sensors, 22(4).[Article] Clouthier AL, Borschneck D, Smith CR, Vignos MF, Thelen DG, Deluzio KJ, Rainbow MJ (2022) Influence of Articular Geometry and Tibial Tubercle Location on Patellofemoral Kinematics and Contact Mechanics, Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 38: 58-66.[Abstract] Blank JL, Thelen DG, Allen MA, Roth JD (2022) Sensitivity of the Shear Wave Speed-Stress Relationship to Soft Tissue Material Properties and Fiber Alignment, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 125.[Abstract] 2021Wheatley MGA, Thelen DG, Deluzio KJ, Rainbow MJ (2021) Knee Extension Moment Arm Variations Relate to Mechanical Function in Walking and Running, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18(181).[Abstract] Wheatley MGA, Clouthier AL, Thelen DG, Rainbow MJ (2021) Patella Apex Influences Patellar Ligament Forces and Ratio, J Biomechanical Engineering, 143(8).[Abstract] Ebrahimi A, Kuchler RL, Pomeroy RL, Loegering IF, Martin JA, Thelen DG (2021) Normative Achilles and Patellar Tendon Shear Wave Speeds and Loading Patterns During Walking in Typically Developing Children, Gait and Posture, 88:185-191.[Abstract] 2020Blank JL, Thelen DG, Roth JD (2020) Ligament Shear Wave Speeds are Sensitive to Tensiometer-Tissue Interactions: A Parametric Modeling Study., Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics.[Article] Vignos MF, Smith CR, Roth JD, Kaiser J, Baer GS, Kijowski R, Thelen DG (2020) Anterior Cruciate Ligament Graft Tunnel Placement and Graft Angle Are Primary Determinants of Internal Knee Mechanics After Reconstructive Surgery, American Journal of Sports Medicine, 48:3503-3514. [Abstract] Loegering IF, Denning SC, Johnson KM, Liu F, Lee KS, Thelen DG (2020) Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) imaging reveals a shift in bound water that is sensitive to sub-clinical tendinopathy in older adults, Skeletal Radiology, 50:107–113. [Abstract] Knaus KR, Ebrahimi A, Martin JA, Loegering IF, Thelen DG, Blemker SS (2020) Achilles Tendon Morphology Is Related to Triceps Surae Muscle Size and Peak Plantarflexion Torques During Walking in Young but Not Older Adults, Frontiers in Sport and Active Living. [Full Article] Harper SE, Roembke RA, Zunker JD, Thelen DG, Adamczyk PG (2020) Wearable Tendon Kinetics, Sensors, 20(17), 4805. [Full Article] Ebrahimi A, Martin JA, Schmitz DG, Thelen DG (2020) Shear Wave Tensiometry Reveals an Age-Related Deficit in Triceps Surae Work at Slow and Fast Walking Speeds, Frontiers in Sport and Active Living, 2:69. [Full Article] Blank J, Thelen DG, Roth JD (2020) Shear wave speeds track axial stress in porcine collateral ligaments, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 105:103704. [Abstract] Ebrahimi A, Loegering IF, Martin JA, Pomeroy RL, Roth JD, Thelen DG (2020) Achilles tendon loading is lower in older adults than young adults across a broad range of walking speeds, Experimental Gerontology, 137, Article #110966. [Abstract] Martin JA, Kindig MW, Stender CJ, Ledoux WR, Thelen DG (2020) Calibration of the shear wave speed-stress relationship in in situ Achilles tendons using cadaveric simulations of gait and isometric contraction, Journal of Biomechanics. 106: 109799. [Abstract] 2019Acuña S, Ebrahimi A, Pomeroy R, Martin JA, Thelen DG (2019) Relationship between lateral patellar stability and tibial tubercle location for varying patellofemoral mechanics, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 141:121007. [Abstract] Clouthier A, Borschneck D, Thelen DG, Deluzio KJ, Rainbow MR (2019) Achilles tendon shear wave speed tracks the dynamic modulation of standing balance, Physiological Reports, 7:e14298 [Abstract] Muench JR, Thelen DG, Henak CR (2019) Interfibrillar shear behavior is altered in aging tendon fascicles, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. [Abstract] Keuler EM, Loegering IF, Martin JA, Roth JD, Thelen DG (2019) Shear Wave Predictions of Achilles Tendon Loading during Human Walking, Scientific Reports 9, Article # 13419. [Open Access Version] Acuña S, Zunker J, Thelen DG (2019) The effects of sub-threshold vibratory noise on visuomotor entrainment during human walking and standing in a virtual reality environment, Human Movement Science, 66:587-599. [Abstract] Van Rossom S, Wesseling M, Smith CR, Thelen DG, Vanwanseele B, Van Assche D, Jonkers I (2019) The influence of knee joint geometry and alignment on the tibiofemoral load distribution: a computational study, The Knee, 26:813-823. [Abstract] Meireles S, Reeves ND, Jones R, Smith CR, Thelen DG, Jonkers I (2019) Patients with medial knee osteoarthritis reduce medial knee contact forces during stair ascent and descent by altering trunk kinematics, progression speed and stepping strategy, J Biomechanics, 90:9-15. [Abstract] Martin JA, Schmitz DG, Ehlers AC, Allen MS, Thelen DG (2019) Calibration of the shear wave speed-stress relationship in ex vivo tendons, J Applied Biomechanics, 1:1-10. [Abstract] Smith CR, Brandon SCE, Thelen DG (2019) Can altered neuromuscular coordination restore soft tissue loading patterns in anterior cruciate ligament and meniscal deficient knees during walking?, Journal of Biomechanics, 82:124-133. [Abstract] Clouthier A, Smith CR, Vignos MF, Thelen DG, Deluzio KJ, Rainbow MR (2019) The effect of articular geometry features identified using statistical shape modelling on knee biomechanics, Medical Engineering & Physics, 66:47-55. [Abstract] Stenroth L, Thelen DG, Franz J (2018) Biplanar investigation of in vivo Achilles tendon displacement non-uniformity, Translational Sports Medicine, 2(2), 73-81. [Abstract] Acuña S, Francis C, Franz J, Thelen DG (2019) The effects of cognitive load and visual feedback on antagonist leg muscle coactivation during walking for young and older adults, J Electromyography and Kinesiology, 44:8-14. [Abstract] 2018Grabowski P, Slane LC, Thelen DG, Obermire T, Lee KS (2018) Evidence of generalized muscle stiffness in the presence of latent trigger points within infraspinatus, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 99:2257-2262. [Abstract] Zevenbergen L, Smith CR, Van Rossom S, Thelen DG, Famaey N, Vander Sloten J, Jonkers I (2018) Cartilage defect location and stiffness predispose the tibiofemoral joint to aberrant loading conditions during stance phase of gait, PLOS ONE, 13(10), e0205842. [Abstract] Vignos MF, Kaiser J, Baer GS, Kijowski R, Thelen DG (2018) Non-anatomic graft geometry is linked with asymmetric tibiofemoral kinematics and cartilage contact following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, Clinical Biomechanics, 56:75-83. [Abstract] Acuña S, Tyler ME, Danilov YP, Thelen DG (2018) Abnormal muscle activation patterns are associated with chronic gait deficits following traumatic brain injury, Gait and Posture, 62:510-517. [Abstract] Martin JA, Brandon SCE, Keuler EM, Hermus JR, Ehlers AC, Segalman DJ, Allen MS, Thelen DG (2018) Gauging force by tapping tendons, Nature Communications, 9(1), 1592. [Abstract] Rakhsha M, Smith CR, Recuero A, Brandon SCE, Vignos MF, Thelen DG, Negrut D (2018) Simulation of surface strain in tibiofemoral cartilage during walking for the prediction of collagen fiber orientation, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 6:491-498. [Abstract] Van Rossom S, Smith CR, Thelen DG, Vanwanseele B, Van Assche D, Jonkers I (2018) Knee joint loading in healthy adults during functional exercises: implications for rehabilitation guidelines, Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 48:162-173. [Abstract] Bittman M, Lenhart RL, Schwartz MH, Novacheck TF, Hetzel S, Thelen DG (2018) How does patellar tendon advancement alter the knee extensor mechanism in children treated for crouch gait?, Gait and Posture, 64:248-254. [Abstract] Slane LC, Bogaerts S, Thelen DG, Scheys L (2018) Non-uniform deformation of the patellar tendon during passive knee flexion, Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 34:14-22. [Abstract] Brandon SCE, Thelen DG, Smith CR, Schwartz MH, Novacheck TF, Lenhart RL (2018) The coupled effects of crouch gait and patella alta on tibiofemoral and patellofemoral cartilage loading in children, Gait and Posture, 60:181-187. [Abstract] Smith C, Choi K, Negrut D, Thelen DG (2018) Efficient computation of cartilage contact pressures within dynamic simulations of movement, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 6:461-468. [Abstract] 2017Meireles S, Wesseling M, De Groote F, Smith CR, Thelen DG, Verschueren S, Jonkers I (2017) The effect of distal femoral extension osteotomy on muscle lengths after surgery, PLOS ONE, 12(11), e0187583. [Abstract] Lenhart RL, Smith CR, Novacheck TF, Schwartz MH, Thelen DG (2017) Medial knee knee loading is altered in subjects with early osteoarthritis during gait but not during step-up-and-over task, Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics, 11:472-478. [Abstract] Orselli MI, Franz JR, Thelen DG (2017) The effects of Achilles tendon compliance on triceps surae mechanics and energetics in walking, Journal of Biomechanics, 60:227-231. [Abstract] Kaiser J, Vignos MF, Baer G, Kijowski R, Thelen DG (2017) Effect of loading on in vivo tibiofemoral and patellofemoral kinematics of healthy and ACL-reconstructed knees, American Journal of Sports Medicine, 45:3272-3279. [Abstract] Franz JR, Francis CA, Allen MS, Thelen DG (2017) Visuomotor entrainment and the control of balance in human walking, IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, 25:1135-1142. [Abstract] Lee KS, Martin JA, Thelen DG (2017) Science to Practice: Quantitative US Elastography Can Be Used to Quantify Mechanical and Histologic Tendon Healing in a Rabbit Model of Achilles Tendon Transection , Radiology , 283(2):311-313. [Abstract] Schloemer SA, Thompson JA, Silder A, Thelen DG, Siston R (2017) Age-Related Differences in Gait Kinematics, Kinetics, and Muscle Function: A Principal Component Analysis , Annals of Biomedical Engineering , 45(3):695-710. [Abstract] Raaske K, Thelen DG, Franz JR (2017) Variation in the human Achilles tendon moment arm during walking , Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering , 20(2):201-205. [Abstract] Slane LC, Martin J, DeWall R, Thelen DG, Lee K (2017) Quantitative ultrasound mapping of regional variations in shear wave speeds of the aging Achilles tendon , European Radiology , 27(2):474-482. [Abstract] Handsfield G, Inouye JM, Slane LC, Thelen DG, Miller W, Blemker S (2017) A 3D model of the Achilles tendon to determine the mechanisms underlying nonuniform tendon displacements , Journal of Biomechanics , 51:17-25. [Abstract] Lenhart RL, Brandon SCE, Smith CR, Novacheck TF, Schwartz MH, Thelen DG (2017) Influence of patellar position on the knee extensor mechanism in normal and crouched walking , Journal of Biomechanics , 51:1-7. [Abstract] Van Rossom S, Smith CR, Zevenbergen L, Thelen DG, Vanwanseele B, Van Assche D, Jonkers I (2017) Knee Cartilage Thickness, T1ρ and T2 Relaxation Time Are Related to Articular Cartilage Loading in Healthy Adults , PLoS ONE , 12(1):e0170002. [Abstract] 2016Kaiser J, Monawer A, Chaudhary R, Johnson KM, Wieben O, Kijowski R, Thelen DG (2016) Accuracy of model-based tracking of knee kinematics and cartilage contact measured by dynamic volumetric MRI , Medical Engineering and Physics , 38(10):1131-1135. [Abstract] Erdemir A, Guess TM, Halloran JP, Modenese L, Reinbolt JA, Thelen DG, Umberger BR (2016) Commentary on the integration of model sharing and reproducibility analysis to scholarly publishing workflow in computational biomechanics , IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , 63(10):2080-2085. [Abstract] Franz J, Thelen DG (2016) Imaging and simulation of Achilles tendon dynamics: implications for walking performance in the elderly , Journal of Biomechanics , 49(9):1403-1410. [Abstract] Kaiser J, Vignos MF, Liu F, Kijowski R, Thelen DG (2016) American Society of Biomechanics Clinical Biomechanics Award 2015: MRI assessments of cartilage mechanics, morphology and composition following reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament , Clinical Biomechanics , 34:38-44. [Abstract] Smith CR, Lenhart RL, Kaiser J, Vignos MF, Thelen DG (2016) Influence of Ligament Properties on Tibiofemoral Mechanics in Walking , Journal of Knee Surgery , 29(2):99-106. [Abstract] Smith CR, Vignos MF, Lenhart RL, Kaiser J, Thelen DG (2016) The Influence of Component Alignment and Ligament Properties on Tibiofemoral Contact Forces in Total Knee Replacement , Journal of Biomechanical Engineering , 29(2):99-106. [Abstract] 2015Franz JR, Thelen DG (2015) Depth-dependent variations in Achilles tendon deformations with age are associated with reduced plantarflexor performance during walking , Journal of Applied Physiology , 119(3):242-9. [Abstract] Martin JA, Biedrzycki AH, Lee KS, DeWall RJ, Brounts SH, Murphy WL, Markel MD, Thelen DG (2015) In Vivo Measures of Shear Wave Speed as a Predictor of Tendon Elasticity and Strength , Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology , 41(10):2722-30. [Abstract] Francis CA, Franz JR, O'Connor SM, Thelen DG (2015) Gait variability in healthy old adults is more affected by a visual perturbation than by a cognitive or narrow step placement demand , Gait & Posture , 42(3):380-5. [Abstract] Lenhart RL, Smith CR, Vignos MF, Kaiser J, Heiderscheit BC, Thelen DG (2015) Influence of step rate and quadriceps load distribution on patellofemoral cartilage contact pressures during running , Journal of Biomechanics , 48(11):2871-8. [Abstract] Brumitt J, Heiderscheit BC, Manske RC, Niemuth P, Mattocks A, Rauh MJ (2015) The Lower Extremity Functional Test (LEFT) and Lower Quadrant Injury in Division III Athletes: A Descriptive and Epidemiologic Report , J Sport Rehabil , Epub ahead of print. [Abstract] Franz JR, Slane LC, Rasske K, Thelen DG (2015) Non-uniform in vivo deformations of the human Achilles tendon during walking , Gait and Posture , 41(1):192-7. [Abstract] Franz JR, Francis CA, Allen MS, O'Connor SM, Thelen DG (2015) Advanced age brings a greater reliance on visual feedback to maintain balance during walking , Hum Mov Sci , 40C:381-392. [Abstract] Lenhart RL, Kaiser J, Smith CR, Thelen DG (2015) Prediction and Validation of Load-Dependent Behavior of the Tibiofemoral and Patellofemoral Joints During Movement , Ann Biomed Eng , 43(11):2675-85. [Abstract] Pollard CD, Stearns KM, Hayes AT, Heiderscheit BC (2015) Altered Lower Extremity Movement Variability in Female Soccer Players During Side-Step Cutting After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction , Am J Sports Med , 43(2):460-5. [Abstract] Sherry MA, Johnston TS, Heiderscheit BC (2015) Rehabilitation of Acute Hamstring Strain Injuries , Clin Sports Med , 34(2):263-284. [Abstract] Slane LC, Thelen DG (2015) Achilles tendon displacement patterns during passive stretch and eccentric loading are altered in middle-aged adults , Med Eng Phys , 37(7):712-6. [Abstract] Slane LC, DeWall R, Martin J, Lee K, Thelen DG (2015) Middle-aged adults exhibit altered spatial variations in Achilles tendon wave speed , Physiol Meas , 36(7):1485-96. [Abstract] 2014Bell DR, Sanfilippo J, Binkley N, Heiderscheit BC (2014) Lean Mass Asymmetry Influences Force and Power Asymmetry During Jumping in Collegiate Athletes , J Strength Cond Res , 28(4):884-91. [Abstract] Brandon SC, Miller RH, Thelen DG, Deluzio KJ (2014) Selective lateral muscle activation in moderate medial knee osteoarthritis subjects does not unload medial knee condyle , Journal of Biomechanics , 47(6):1409-15. [Abstract] Brooks MA, Beaulieu JE, Severson HH, Wille CM, Cooper D, Gau JM, Heiderscheit BC. (2014) Web-based therapeutic exercise resource center as a treatment for knee osteoarthritis: a prospective cohort pilot study , BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders , 15(1):158. [Abstract] Brumitt J, Heiderscheit BC, Manske RC, Niemuth PE, Rauh MJ (2014) Off-season training habits and preseason functional test measures of division iii collegiate athletes: a descriptive report , Int J Sports Phys Ther , 9(4):447-55. [Abstract] Buehring B, Krueger D, Fidler E, Gangnon R, Heiderscheit B, Binkley N (2014) Reproducibility of jumping mechanography and traditional measures of physical and muscle function in older adults , Osteoporosis International, in press . [Abstract] DeWall RJ, Slane LC, Lee KS, Thelen DG. (2014) Spatial variations in Achilles tendon shear wave speed , Journal of Biomechanics , 47(11):2685-92. [Abstract] Fiorentino NM, Rehorn MR, Chumanov ES, Thelen DG, Blemker SS (2014) Computational Models Predict Larger Muscle Tissue Strains at Faster Sprinting Speeds , Med Sci Sports Exerc , 46(4):776-86. [Abstract] Frisch KE, Marcu D, Baer G, Thelen DG, Vanderby Jr R (2014) The Influence of Partial and Full Thickness Tears on Infraspinatus Tendon Strain Patterns , Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 136(5):051004. [Abstract] Frisch KE, Marcu D, Baer GS, Thelen DG, Vanderby R (2014) Influence of tendon tears on ultrasound echo intensity in response to loading , Journal of Biomechanics, in press . [Abstract] Lenhart RL, Thelen DG, Wille CM, Chumanov ES, Heiderscheit BC (2014) Increasing Running Step Rate Reduces Patellofemoral Joint Forces , Med Sci Sports Exerc 46(3):557-64. [Abstract] Lenhart RL, Francis CA, Lenz AL, Thelen DG (2014) Empirical evaluation of gastrocnemius and soleus function during walking , Journal of Biomechanics 47(12):2969-74. [Abstract] Lenhart R, Thelen D, Heiderscheit B (2014) Hip Muscle Loads During Running at Various Step Rates , J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 44(10):766-A4. [Abstract] Schubert AG, Kempf J, Heiderscheit BC (2014) Influence of stride frequency and length on running mechanics: a systematic review , Sports Health 6(3):210-7. [Abstract] Slane LC, Thelen DG (2014) The Use of 2D Ultrasound Elastography for Measuring Tendon Motion and Strain , Journal of Biomechanics 47: 750-754. [Abstract] Slane LC, Thelen DG (2014) Non-uniform displacements within the Achilles tendon observed during passive and eccentric loading , Journal of Biomechanics 47(12):2831-5. [Abstract] Thelen DG, Choi KW, Schmitz AM (2014) Co-Simulation of Neuromuscular Dynamics and Knee Mechanics during Human Walking , Journal of Biomechanical Engineering , 136(2):021033. [Abstract] Wille CM, Lenhart RL, Wang S, Thelen DG, Heiderscheit BC (2014) Ability of Sagittal Kinematic Variables to Estimate Ground Reaction Forces and Joint Kinetics in Running , J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 44(10):825-30. [Abstract] 2013Brumitt J, Heiderscheit BC, Manske R, Niemuth P, Rauh M (2013) Functional testing and prediction of lower extremity or low back injury among Division III collegiate athletes , Int J Sports Phys Ther 8: 216-227. [Abstract] Buehring B, Krueger D, Libber D, Heiderscheit BC, Sanfilippo J, Johnson, B, Haller I, Binkley N (2013) Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry measured regional body composition least significant change: effect of region of interest and gender in athletes , J Clin Densitom May 2. [Abstract] Chernak LA, DeWall RJ, Lee KS, Thelen DG (2013) Length and activation dependent variations in muscle shear wave speed , Physiological Measurement 34: 713-721. [Abstract] Cobian DG, Daehn NS, Anderson PA, Heiderscheit BC (2013) Active cervical and lumbar range of motion during performance of activities of daily living in healthy young adults. Spine 38(20): 1754-1763. [Abstract] Francis CA, Lenz AL, Lenhart RL, Thelen DG (2013) The modulation of forward propulsion, vertical support, and center of pressure by the plantarflexors during human walking , Gait & Posture 38(4): 993-997. [Abstract] Kaiser J, Bradford R, Johnson K, Wieben O, Thelen D (2013) Measurement of tibiofemoral kinematics using highly accelerated 3D radial sampling , Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 69: 1310-1316. [Abstract] McClinton SM, Flynn TW, Heiderscheit BC, McPoil TG, Pinto D, Duffy PA, Bennett JD (2013) Comparison of usual podiatric care and early physical therapy intervention for plantar heel pain: study protocol for a parallel-group randomized clinical trial , Trials 3;14:414. [Abstract] Sanfilippo J, Silder A, Sherry M, Tuite M, Heiderscheit B (2013) Hamstring strength and morphology progression after return to sport form injury , Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 45(3): 448-454. [Abstract] Schubert A, Kempf J, Heiderscheit BC (2013) Influence of stride frequency and length on running mechanics: a systematic review , Sports Health 6(3):210-7.[Abstract] Silder A, Sherry MA, Sanfilippo J, Tuite MJ, Hetzel S, Heiderscheit BC (2013) Clinical and morphological changes following 2 rehabilitation programs for acute hamstring strain injuries: a randomized clinical trial , J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 43(5): 284-299. [Abstract] Thelen D, Lenz A, Francis C, Lenhart R, Hernandez A (2013) Empirical assessment of dynamic hamstring function during human walking , Journal of Biomechanics 46: 1255-1261. [Abstract] Westphal CJ, Schmitz A, Reeder SB, Thelen DG (2013) Load-dependent variation in knee kinematics measured with dynamic MRI , Journal of Biomechanics 46(12): 2045-2052. [Abstract]
Book Chapters/Monographs:
Sherry MA, Heiderscheit BC, Clancy W. Non-surgical rehabilitation of hamstring strains and contusions, in Reider B, Davies GJ, Provencher MT (eds), Getting Back in the Game: Orthopaedic Rehabilitation of the Athlete. Elsevier (in press) Heiderscheit BC, Sherry MA, Clancy W. Beyond basic recovery: Return to sprinting activities after hamstring strain. in Reider B, Davies GJ, Provencher MT (eds), Getting Back in the Game: Orthopaedic Rehabilitation of the Athlete. Elsevier (in press). Heiderscheit BC (2012). Running mechanics and analysis , in Rauh M and Heiderscheit BC (eds), Sports Physical Therapy Section, American Physical Therapy Association , Independent Study Course. Heiderscheit BC, Baer G. Stress fractures of the femoral neck/shaft: Introduction , in Reider B, Davies GJ, Provencher MT (eds), Getting Back in the Game: Orthopaedic Rehabilitation of the Athlete. Elsevier (in press). Heiderscheit BC, Baer G. Beyond basic recovery: return to running after surgical treatment of a stress fracture of the femoral neck , in Reider B, Davies GJ, Provencher MT (eds), Getting Back in the Game: Orthopaedic Rehabilitation of the Athlete. Elsevier (in press). Heiderscheit BC. The runner: evaluation of common injuries and treatment , in Orthopaedic Management of the Runner, Cyclist and Swimmer. Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Section, American Physical Therapy Association, Independent Study Course 23.1 (in press). Heiderscheit BC. Biomechanics of running , in Orthopaedic Management of the Runner, Cyclist and Swimmer. Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Section, American Physical Therapy Association, Independent Study Course 23.1 (in press). 2012Chernak L, Thelen D (2012) Tendon motion and strain patterns evaluated with two-dimensional ultrasound elastography , Journal of Biomechanics 45(15): 2618-23. [Abstract] McClinton S, Heiderscheit BC (2012) Diagnosis of primary task-specific lower extremity dystonia in a runner , Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 42(8): 688-697. [Abstract] Chumanov ES, Wille CM, Michalski MP, Heiderscheit BC (2012) Changes in muscle activation patterns when running step rate is increased , Gait Posture 36: 231-235. [Abstract] Cobian D, Heiderscheit BC, Daehn N, Anderson P (2012) Comparison of Daily Motion of the Cervical and Lumbar Spine to ASTM 2423-05 and ISO/CD 18192-1.3 Testing , J ASTM Int 9: 1-10. [Abstract] Thein-Nissenbaum JM, Thompson EF, Chumanov ES, Heiderscheit BC (2012) Low Back and Hip Pain in a Postpartum Runner: Applying Ultrasound Imaging and Running Analysis , Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 42(7): 615-624. [Abstract]
Book Chapters/Monographs:
Heiderscheit BC and Ochiai DH. Hip and Pelvis Injuries, in Wilder R, O'Connor F, Magrum E (eds), Textbook of Running Medicine. Human Kinetics, in press. Rauh M and Heiderscheit BC (eds) (2012). Running Injuries. Sports Physical Therapy Section, American Physical Therapy Association , Independent Study Course. Heiderscheit BC (2012). Running mechanics and analysis , in Rauh M and Heiderscheit BC (eds), Sports Physical Therapy Section, American Physical Therapy Association , Independent Study Course. Heiderscheit BC, McClinton S, Nelson E (2012). Evaluation and management of lumbopelvic, hip and knee running-related injuries , in Rauh M and Heiderscheit BC (eds), Sports Physical Therapy Section, American Physical Therapy Association , Independent Study Course. 2011Heiderscheit BC (2011) Gait retraining for runners: in search of the ideal , Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. 41: 909-910. [Abstract] Silder A, Gleason K, Thelen DG (2011) Influence of bicycle seat tube angle and hand position on lower extremity kinematics and neuromuscular control: implications for triathlon running performance , Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 27(4):297-305. [Abstract] Thelen DG, Lenz A, Hernandez A (2011) Measurement and simulation of joint motion induced via biarticular muscles during human walking , 2011 Symposium on Human Body Dynamics. [Abstract] Chumanov ES, Schache AG, Heiderscheit BC, Thelen DG (2011) Hamstrings are most susceptible to injury during the late swing phase of sprinting , British Journal of Sports Medicine. 46: 88-89. [Abstract] Sherry MA, Best TM, Silder A, Thelen DG, Heiderscheit BC (2011) Hamstring Strains: Basic Science and Clinical Research Applications for Preventing the Recurrent Injury , National Strength and Conditioning Association 2: 290-296. [Abstract] Heiderscheit BC, Chumanov ES, Michalski MP, Wille CM, Ryan MB (2011) Effects of step rate manipulation on joint mechanics during running , Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise , 43: 296-302. [Abstract] Slane J, Timmerman M, Ploeg H, Thelen DG (2011) The influence of glove and hand position on pressure over the ulnar nerve during cycling , Clinical Biomechanics 26: 642-648. [Abstract] Chumanov ES, Heiderscheit BC, Thelen DG (2011) Hamstring musculotendon dynamics during stance and swing phases of high speed running , Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise , 43: 525-532. [Abstract] 2010Wall-Scheffler CM, Chumanov ES, Steudel-Numbers K, Heiderscheit BC (2010) Electromyography activity across gait and incline: the impact of muscular activity on human morphology , American Journal of Physical Anthropology , 143: 601-611. [Abstract] Chumanov ES, Remy CD, Thelen DG (2010) Computational techniques for using insole pressure sensors to analyze three dimensional joint kinetics , Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 13(5): 505-514. [Abstract] Silder A, Reeder S, Thelen DG (2010) Influence of prior hamstring injury on lengthening muscle tissue mechanics , Journal of Biomechanics , 43(12): 2254-2260. [Abstract] . Hernandez A, Lenz A, Thelen DG (2010) Electrical stimulation of the rectus femoris during pre-swing diminishes hip and knee flexion during the swing phase of normal gait , IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 18(5): 523-530. [Abstract] Silder A, Thelen DG, Heiderscheit BC (2010) Effects of prior hamstring strain injury on strength, flexibility, and running mechanics , Clinical Biomechanics 25: 681-686. [Abstract] Heiderscheit BC, Sherry MA, Silder A, Chumanov ES, Thelen DG (2010) Acute hamstring injuries: recommendations for diagnosis, rehabilitation and injury prevention , Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy , 40: 67-81. [Abstract] Heiderscheit BC (2010) Lower extremity injuries: Is it just about hip strength? , Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy , 40: 39-41. [Abstract] 2009Schmitz A, Silder A, Heiderscheit BC, Mahoney J, Thelen DG (2009) Differences in lower extremity muscular activation during walking between healthy older and young adults , Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology , 19: 1085-1091. [Abstract] Silder A, Westphal C, Thelen DG (2009) A MR-compatible loading device for dynamically imaging shortening and lengthening muscle contraction mechanics , ASME Journal of Medical Devices 3(3). [Abstract] Hernandez A, Silder A, Heiderscheit BC, Thelen DG (2009) Effect of age on center of mass motion during human walking , Gait and Posture , 30: 217-222. [Abstract] Cook KM, Heiderscheit BC (2009) Conservative management of a young adult with hip arthrosis , Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 39: 858-866. [Abstract] Hunter BV, Thelen DG, Dhaher YY (2009) A three-dimensional biomechanical evaluation of quadriceps and hamstrings function using electrical stimulation , IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 17: 167-175. [Abstract] Remy CD, Thelen DG (2009) Optimal estimation of dynamically consistent kinematics and kinetics for forward dynamic simulation of gait , Journal of Biomechanical Engineering , 131: 031005. [Abstract] Farron J, Varghese T, Thelen DG (2009) Measurement of tendon strain during muscle twitch contractions using ultrasound elastography , IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control , 56: 27-35. [Abstract] Cobian D, Sterling A, Anderson P, Heiderscheit BC (2009) Task specific frequencies of neck motion measured in healthy subjects over a 5-day period , Spine , 34: E202-207. [Abstract] Whittington B, Thelen DG (2009) A simple mass-spring model with roller feet can induce the ground reactions observed in human walking , Journal of Biomechanical Engineering , 131: 011013. [Abstract] 2008Heiderscheit BC, Boissonnault W (2008) Reliability of joint mobility and pain assessment of the thoracic spine and rib cage in asymptomatic individuals , Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy , 16: 201-216.[Abstract] Chumanov ES, Wall-Scheffler C, Heiderscheit BC (2008) Gender differences in walking and running on level and inclined surfaces , Clinical Biomechanics , 23: 1260-1268. [Abstract] Silder A, Heiderscheit BC, Thelen DG, Enright T, Tuite MJ (2008) MR observations of long-term musculotendon remodeling following a hamstring strain injury , Skeletal Radiology 37: 1101-1109. [Abstract] Sterling A, Cobian D, Anderson P, Heiderscheit BC (2008) Annual magnitude and frequency of neck motion in healthy subjects , Spine 33: 1882-1888. [Abstract] Silder A, Heiderscheit BC, Thelen DG (2008) Active and passive contributions to joint kinetics during walking in older adults , Journal of Biomechanics , 41: 1520-1527. [Abstract] Whittington B, Silder A, Heiderscheit BC, Thelen DG (2008) The contribution of passive-elastic mechanisms to lower extremity joint kinetics during human walking , Gait and Posture 27: 628-634. [Abstract] Potter JJ, Sauer JL, Weisshaar CL, Thelen DG, Ploeg HL (2008) Gender differences in bicycle saddle pressure distribution during seated cycling , Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 40: 1126-1134. [Abstract] O'Leary K, Anderson Vorpahl K, Heiderscheit BC (2008) Cushioned insoles reduce impacts during running , Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 98: 36-41. [Abstract] Hernandez A, Dhaher Y, Thelen DG (2008) In vivo measurement of dynamic rectus femoris function at postures representative of early swing phase , Journal of Biomechanics 41: 137-144. [Abstract]
Book Chapter:
Vardeny O, Heiderscheit BC. (2008). Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Disease Management: Implications for Physical Therapists. Monograph, Geriatric Section, American Physical Therapy Association , Independent Study Course 4.6. 2007Syed F, Oza A, Vanderby R, Heiderscheit BC, Anderson P (2007) A method to measure cervical spine motion over extended periods of time , Spine 32: 2092-2098. [Abstract] Arnold AS, Schwartz MH, Thelen DG, Delp SL (2007) Contributions of muscles to terminal-swing knee motions vary with walking speed , Journal of Biomechanics , 40: 3660-3671. [Abstract] Chumanov ES, Heiderscheit BC, Thelen DG (2007) The effect of speed and influence of individual muscles on hamstring mechanics during the swing phase of sprinting , Journal of Biomechanics 40: 3555-3562. [Abstract] Sauer JL, Potter JJ, Weisshaar CL, Ploeg HL, Thelen DG (2007) Biodynamics. Influence of gender, power and hand position on pelvic motion during seated cycling , Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 39: 2204-2211. [Abstract] Arnold AS, Thelen DG, Schwartz M, Anderson FC, Delp SL (2007) Muscular coordination of knee motion during the terminal-swing phase of normal gait , Journal of Biomechanics 40: 3314-3324. [Abstract] Delp SL, Anderson FC, Arnold AS, Loan P, Habib A, John CT, Guendelman E, Thelen DG (2007) OpenSim: open-source software to create and analyze dynamic simulations of movement , IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 54: 1940-1950. [Abstract] Silder A, Whittington B, Heiderscheit BC Thelen DG (2007) Identification of passive elastic joint moment-angle relationships in the lower extremity , Journal of Biomechanics 40: 2628-2635. [Abstract] McClinton S, Donatell G, Weir J, Heiderscheit BC (2007) Influence of step height on quadriceps onset timing and activation during stair ascent in individuals with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome , Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy , 37: 239-244. [Abstract] Plisky M, Rauh M, Heiderscheit BC, Underwood F, Tank R (2007) Medial tibial stress syndrome in high school cross-country runners: incidence and risk factors , Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 37: 40-47. [Abstract]
Book Chapters:
Davies GJ, Wilk K, Ellenbecker T, Tyler T, Reinhold M, Heiderscheit BC, Clark MJ, Manske R, Matheson JW, Kraushaar DJR, Mullaney M. (2007). The Shoulder: Physical Therapy Patient Management Utilizing Current Evidence. Monograph, Orthopedic Section, American Physical Therapy Association , Independent Study Course 16.2.4. Heiderscheit BC, Sherry MA (2007). What effect do core strength and stability have on injury prevention and recovery? In MacAuley D, Best TM (eds), Evidence-based Sports Medicine (2nd Ed) . BMJ Books: London. 2006Thelen DG, Chumanov ES, Sherry MA, Heiderscheit BC (2006) Neuromusculoskeletal models provide insights into the mechanisms and rehabilitation of hamstring strains , Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 34: 135-141. [Abstract] Thelen DG, Anderson FC (2006) Using computed muscle control to generate forward dynamic simulations of human walking from experimental data , Journal of Biomechanics 39: 1107-1115. [Abstract] 2005Thelen DG, Chumanov ES, Best TM, Swanson SC, Heiderscheit BM (2005) Simulation of biceps femoris musculotendon mechanics during the swing phase of sprinting , Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 37: 1931-1938. [Abstract] Graf A, Judge JO, Õunpuu S, Thelen DG (2005) The effect of walking speed on lower-extremity joint powers among elderly adults who exhibit low physical performance , Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , 86: 2177-2183. [Abstract] Heiderscheit BC, Hoerth DM, Chumanov ES, Swanson SC, Thelen BJ, Thelen DG (2005) Identifying the time of occurrence of a hamstring strain injury during treadmill sprinting: a case study , Clinical Biomechanics 20: 1072-1078. [Abstract] Sherry MA, Best TM, Heiderscheit BC (2005) The Core: Where are we and where are we going? , Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine 15: 1-2. [Abstract] Pollard C, Heiderscheit BC, van Emmerik REA, Hamill J (2005) Gender differences in lower extremity joint coupling variability during an unanticipated cutting maneuver , Journal of Applied Biomechanics 21: 143-152. [Abstract] King GW, Luchies CW, Stylianou AP, Schiffman JM, Thelen DG (2005) Effects of step length on stepping responses used to arrest a forward fall , Gait and Posture 22: 219-224. [Abstract] Thelen DG, Chumanov ES, Hoerth DM,Best TM, Swanson SC, Li L, Young M, Heiderscheit BC (2005) Hamstring muscle kinematics during treadmill sprinting , Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 37: 108-114. [Abstract]
Book Chapter:
Manske R, Heiderscheit BC, Giangarra C, Turman K (2005). Complications with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. In Manske R (ed), Rehabilitation for the Post Surgical Sports Patient: Knee and Shoulder . Mosby Elsevier: St. Louis, MO. 2004Clark JE, Thelen DG, Cutkosky MR (2004) Dynamic simulation and analysis of a passively self-stabilizing hexapedal running robot , ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress , November 2004, Anaheim, CA. [Abstract]
Book Chapter:
Hamill J, Haddad JM, Heiderscheit BC, van Emmerik REA, Li L (2004). Clinical relevance of coordination variability. In Davids K, Bennett SJ, Newell KM (ed), Variability in the Movement System: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective . Human Kinetics: Champaign, IL. 2003Thelen DG, Riewald SA, Asakawa DS, Sanger TD, Delp SL (2003). Abnormal coupling of knee and hip moments during maximal exertions in persons with cerebral palsy , Muscle and Nerve 27: 486-493. [Abstract] Thelen DG, Anderson FC, Delp SL (2003). Generating dynamic simulations of movement using computed muscle control , Journal of Biomechanics 36: 321-328. [Abstract] Thelen DG (2003). Adjustment of muscle mechanics model parameters to simulate dynamic contractions in older adults , Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 36: 321-328. [Abstract] Peters BT, Haddad JM, Heiderscheit BC, Van Emmerik REA, Hamill J (2003). Limitations in the use and interpretation of continuous relative phase , Journal of Biomechanics 36: 321-328. [Abstract] Dissertations
Colin Smith (2017)
Simulating the effects of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury and Treatment on Cartilage Loading during Walking
Jarred Kaiser (2015)
Assessment of Cartilage Contact and Early Degeneration Following ACL Reconstruction
Rachel Lenhart (2015)
Influence of Surgery on Musculoskeletal Mechanics in Children with Crouch Gait
Kwang Choi (2014)
Computational Approaches for Segmenting Cartilage Morphology and Simulating Knee Joint Contact Pressure during Walking
Laura Slane (2014)
Achilles Tendon Elasticity and Deformation Patterns in Young and Middle-Aged Adults Evaluated using Quantitative Ultrasound Approaches
Anne Schmitz (2012)
The Importance of Including Knee Laxity in Dynamic Musculoskeletal Simulations of Movement
Liz Chumanov (2009)
Dynamic Simulation of Musculotendon Mechanics during High Speed Running
Antonio Hernandez (2009)
In Vivo Dynamic Function of Lower Extremity Human Biarticular Muscles as Measured by Novel Electrical Stimulation Protocols Juxtaposed to Computational Pertubation Studies
Amy Silder (2009)
Effects of Prior Hamstring Injury on Morphology, Function, and Mechanics
Email to: Darryl Thelen |